Découvrez la Cté CN !

La communauté Canção Nova fête ses 15 ans en France et on peut dire avec certitude: nous avons trouvé la solution à ces problèmes, Jésus Christ, raison et force de notre mission.

Quel est le sens de ma vie ?
Pourquoi la souffrance ?
Être heureux, c’est encore possible?

1 Comment

  • Biblioteka Naukowa
    Posted samedi 2 décembre 2023 23h51 0Likes

    This article is a true gem in the world of online media. The author’s writing is both substantive and engaging, and their commitment to presenting factual and balanced perspectives is truly impressive. What I appreciate most about this article is its ability to tackle complex issues and present them in a way that is accessible and engaging for readers of all levels. Whether you’re looking to learn something new or simply looking for an interesting read, this article has something for everyone.

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